Portland Trunk Main and Reticulation System

CONTRACT TYPE: AS 4000 - 1997



CLIENT: Lithgow Council

DURATION: 6 months

The Lithgow Local Government Area (LGA) is a relatively large geographical area of 4,551 square kilometres, located approximately 140 kilometres west of the Sydney CBD and within the eastern part of the Central West Region. The Lithgow LGA lies almost wholly within the Wiradjuri Aboriginal nation, with the Gundungurra nation situated to the south and the Darug nation to the east.   This project involved the water mains construction throughout the Portland village including the new trunk construction of a new main to service the Foundations site and renewal of mains in the east Portland area.
Working as the Principal Contractor, the project involves the construction of approx. 3.5km of water mains, the job includes:
  • Design the network of New Trunk Main and replace the retic system with new pipeline.
  • Design & develop and Implement of all traffic management plan
  • Provide Erosion and Sediment Control
  • Service Locations and Condition Survey
  • Supply and install 1127m of DN160 PE100
  • Supply and install 2340m of DN100 MPVC
  • Underboring and install PE pipe at 11 road crossings
  • Supply and install air valves, scour valves including the precast concrete valve pits
  • Supply and install stop valves and hydrants
  • Transfer or provide new water service connections
  • Pressure Test and Disinfection of water main in accordance with Council’s Specification
  • Commissioning the pipeline
  • All reinstatement and restoration works required to complete the work
  • WAE with the survey control (using very accurate GPS)
  • Ground conditions
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