WORK TYPE: Pumpstation and Water Mains Construction
CLIENT: Shoalhaven Council - Shoalhaven Water
DURATION: 16 months
Separable Portion (SP) A: Illaroo Road Water Pump Station Separable Portions (SP) B: Illaroo Road Stage 2 Water Pipelines – Approx. 8.3km 450 PE
Separable Portion (SP) A: Illaroo Road Water Pump Station Separable Portions (SP) B: Illaroo Road Stage 2 Water Pipelines – Approx. 8.3km 450 PE
Separable Portion (SP) A: Illaroo Road Water Pump Station
Separable Portion (SP) A: Illaroo Road Water Pump Station
- 2 x Pumps with switchboard, telemetry
- Structure: 8.7m x 7.3m x 4.2 m height with 2.3m truss roof
- 6m x Trenched of OD355 PE100 PN16
- 5m Trenched of OD400 PE100 PN16
- 1m x (Micro-tunnel) of OD355 PE100 PN16 inside DN500 RCP encasement pipe
- 7m x (Trenched) of OD355 PE100 PN16
- 2m x (Micro-tunnel) of OD400 PE100 PN16 inside DN500 RCP encasement pipe
- 4m x (Trenched) of OD400 PE100 PN16
- 7m x Trenched of OD355 PE100 PN16
- 8m Trenched of OD400 PE100 PN16
- 1m x (HDD) of OD400 PE100 PN25
- 237m x (Trenched) of OD355 PE100 PN16
- 8m x (HDD) of OD450 PE100 PN25
- 6m x (Trenched) of OD400 PE100 PN16
- 2m x (Installation via existing OD560 PE100 PN16 Pipe Sleeve) of OD355 PE100 PN16
- 7m x (Trenched) of OD355 PE100 PN16 inside OD560 PE100 PN16 encasement pipe
- 5m x (Trenched) of OD355 PE100 PN16
- 1m x Micro-tunnel) of OD355 PE100 PN16 inside DN500 RCP encasement pipe
- 9m x (Trenched) of OD OD355 PE100 PN16
- 46m x (Trenched) of OD OD355 PE100 PN16
- 51m x (Installation via proposed DN525RCO RRJ Pipe Sleeve by others) of OD355 PE100 PN16
- 1m x (Micro-tunnel) of OD355 PE100 PN16 inside DN500 RCP encasement pipe
- 9m x (Trenched) of OD355 PE100 PN16
- 2m x (HDD) of OD400 PE100 PN25
- 5m x (Micro-tunnel) of OD355 PE100 PN16 inside DN500 RCP encasement pipe
- 6m x (Trenched) of OD355 PE100 PN16
- 2m x (HDD) of OD400 PE100 PN25
- 1m x (Trenched) of OD355 PE100 PN16
- 1137.5m x (Trenched) of OD125 PE100 PN16
- Stakeholder Management
- Ground Conditions