

Utilstra, formerly CCS has been involved major developments in the Telecommunication industry since establishment. CCS became Telstra prequalified contractor in 2007, and was a part of the major copper network construction and upgrade in Canberra.

Then, as soon as the NBN Fibre Roll-out initiated in Canberra, CCS was engaged in Pit & Pipe projects in the newly developed suburb, Gungahlin. Just recently, CCS completed over 12km of underground fibre installation and almost 30km of fibre network design and feasibility studies for TransGrid, connecting TransGrid Substation to NextDC and TransACT DC.

Our PIPE Networks projects have sustained our presence in Sydney and NSW market, which supported the opening of our Sydney Branch. Telecommunications industry is definitely Ultilstra’s main market.

Moving forward, Utilstra is focusing on Design & Construction End-to-End delivery approach to take on large scale telecommunications (fibre) network projects across ACT and NSW, and eventually nationwide. We have rapidly increased internal design, engineering, project management capacity.

Utilstra is also more and more involved in working with data centres and exploring opportunities to become a network operator.

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